This trip I got to know new career! When I was in the middle of the lake (Tonle Sap), there were 3 people in my boat: boat driver, a guide and me. In this picture, 2 merchants that you see, row their boat as fast as they can to get closer to my boat. I was a little bit scars me…why my boat is slow down and Oh! Other boat will attack me!!! They will rob me??? I was a lone just a girl so oh on! Nothing!
The Man said: “Would you like some drink or some banana?”
Look inside the boat it’s the ….selling boat…. It was surprise me! How much they can sell a day? So I bought them the most expensive Coca Cola 1 US dollar.

1 US dollar/day
The best time was at Gusthous and on riding. Bicycle is one thing pretty good in Siem Reap!

Grill fish and French bread are not compatible!
- Visa 20 $
- Guesthouse 4 $
- Bicycle 1 $
- Boat 15 $
- Break fast 3 $
- Coca-Cola 1 $
- Dinner 4 $ etc……
But The experiences can not estimate!
You are so brave. One day I would love to go experience thing the way you did. I am a bird in golden cage. :G
comment tu as fait ça tout seule? mais Bravo!!!
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